iPantry Pro 1.2.2 – Shopping List
iPantry allows you to quickly manage shopping list and products in your pantries.
Organize pantries and products, set the expiration dates and minimum stock, export those are running out by email or by Reminder (iCloud).
No forgotten product when shopping, you’ll always have everything handy and shared in real time with your family.
Just waste your expired food, a pre-set reminder will alert you.
No forgotten papers for your shopping list, now you have iPantry.
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Version 1.1.2:
- iOS 11 Support;
- Reminders management;
- Notification Bugs Fix;
With iPantry you can:
• Manage pantries with the possibility of transferring products;
• Organize products with the ability to set a minimum stock and the expiry date;
• Check products in Stock with the ability to export by email or on your Reminder;
• Manage iPantry List in your Reminder and synchronize it with iCloud;