Time Calc Pro 1.4.0 – Time Calculator hours minutes seconds

Time Calc - Time Calculator hours minutes seconds

Time Calc: a beautiful simple and accurate time calculator that allows you to perform elementary operations on units of time like hours, minutes and seconds.

You can convert the result to other units of time (year, day, hour, minute, second).

It is possible to save and share the operations performed and the results obtained.

Time Calc - Time Calculator hours minutes seconds Dark Theme

Version 1.0.4:

  • Added Hour-Minute preference, no seconds.
  • Dark Theme ready.

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With Time Calc Pro you can:

  • Calculate time in a simple and accurate way.
  • Perform elementary operations (add, subtract, multiply and divide) on hours, minutes and seconds.
  • Use a beautiful and elegant user interface.
  • Convert the result to other units of time.
  • Save and share important operations.
  • Work in portrait or landscape mode.

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